Black Oxidation Treatment Of CNC Machining Ball Joints

Ball Joints

Black Oxidation Treatment Of CNC Machining Ball Joints

The anti rust effect of ball joints’ black oxidation treatment is usually very significant:

1. Principle and Effect
Principle: Black oxidation treatment is a chemical process that forms a dense layer of ferric oxide (Fe2O3) film on the surface of Ball Joints. This layer of film can isolate air and moisture, prevent metal substrates from coming into contact with corrosive media, and thus achieve the purpose of rust prevention.
Effect: Black oxidation treatment can significantly improve the corrosion resistance of Ball Joints and extend their service life. This oxide film has high hardness and wear resistance, which can effectively resist external environmental erosion.

2. Influencing factors
Processing temperature: Black oxidation treatment is usually carried out at a low temperature of about 350 ℃. Within this temperature range, the formed Fe3O4 film layer is relatively uniform and dense, with good rust prevention effect.
Processing time: The length of processing time also has a significant impact on the rust prevention effect. Usually, the longer the processing time, the thicker the formed oxide film, and the better the rust prevention effect. However, prolonged processing time may lead to excessive thickness, embrittlement, and even cracking of the oxide film, which can actually reduce the rust prevention effect. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the appropriate processing time based on specific material and process requirements.
Chemical composition: The main components of black oxidation treatment solution include sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrite, etc. The concentration and proportion of these chemical components have a direct impact on the quality and rust prevention effect of the oxide film. Excessive or insufficient concentration can lead to a decrease in the quality of the oxide film, affecting the rust prevention effect.

3. Process flow
The process flow of black oxidation treatment usually includes the following steps:

Cleaning: First, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the Ball Joints to remove impurities such as oil and rust from the surface.
Pickling: Use dilute sulfuric acid or other acidic solution to pickle Ball Joints to remove surface oxides and rust layers.
Water washing: Rinse Ball Joints with clean water to remove any remaining acid on the surface.
Oxidation: Put clean Ball Joints into black oxidation treatment solution and perform oxidation treatment at appropriate temperature and time.
Water washing: Rinse the Ball Joints again with clean water to remove any remaining oxidation solution on the surface.
Drying: Dry the ball joints after oxidation treatment to prevent rust caused by residual moisture.

The black oxidation treatment of Ball Joints has a very significant anti rust effect. Through reasonable processing techniques and strict process control, it can be ensured that the formed oxide film has good quality and uniform thickness, thereby effectively improving the corrosion resistance and wear resistance of Ball Joints. In practical applications, it is necessary to choose appropriate treatment processes and materials based on specific usage environments and requirements, and regularly inspect and maintain the rust prevention status of Ball Joints to ensure their long-term stable operation.